1. 線上付款
您的個人數據安全是我們的首要任務。 所有信用卡付款都通過Stripe或Paypal處理。
2. FPS /銀行轉賬
請在下單後24小時內轉賬到 轉數快 ID: 103700613 / 恆生銀行 239-848211-883 (NOMAD TRADING COMPANY)。
請將銀行收據的副本發送給我們 sales@nom4d.hk 或whatsapp:(852) 9448 0023。我們將通過電子郵件與您確認訂單。
3. PayMe
收到電子郵件後,請按照步驟完成通過PayMe付款。 收到付款後,我們會確認您的訂單。
Payment Option
1. Online Payment
The security of your personal data is our highest priority. All credit card payments are processed through Stripe or Paypal.
2. FPS / Bank transfer payment
Please transfer to FPS ID: 103700613 / Hang Seng Bank 239-848211-883 (NOMAD TRADING COMPANY) within 24 hours after placing your order. Please send us a copy of the bank receipt to sales@nom4d.hk 或whatsapp:(852) 9448 0023. We will confirm the order with you by email.
3. PayMe
Please follow the steps to complete payment by PayMe after received our email. We will comfirm your order once payment received.